New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
De door base gekatalyseerde isomerisatie van enkele met 14C gemerkte cyclische olefinen 
Year: 1967 
Call No: D2 
Influence of chemical additions on the reduction of tungsten oxides 
Year: 1961 
Call No: D2 
Direct methods in x-ray structure analysis 
Year: 1976 
Call No: D2 
Some thermodynamic properties of the system benzen - 1,2- dichloroethane 
Year: 1955 
Call No: D2 
Histochemie van fosfolipiden in verband met atherosklerose van de aorta 
Year: 1965 
Call No: D2 
Conjugative and inductive interactions in aromatic ketones and sulfones, solvent shifts in carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 
Year: 1976 
Call No: D2 
Regulation of the escherichia coli UVRB gene; expression of a multifunctional excision repair enzyme 
Year: 1983 
Call No: D1 
Flexible polymers at a solid-liquid interface 
Year: 1980 
Call No: D1 
Non-isothermal capillary flow of plastics related to their thermal and rheological properties 
Year: 1985 
Call No: D1 
The physiological function of gluconic acid production in acinetobacter species and other gram-negative bacteria 
Year: 1987 
Call No: D1